Page 26 - SummerBrochure
P. 26

Gymnastics Camps                                                               DESCRIPTIONS

          This camp is designed for boys of all   2-DAY (46200)                  5-DAY (46202)
          ability levels and will include work   Activities include gymnastics,   Children will participate in a variety
          on the floor exercise, pommel horse,   trampoline, story time, crafts, snack   of activities including gymnastics,
          rings, vault, parallel bars, high bar, and   time, games and age-appropriate   trampoline, story time, snack time,
          trampoline. The boys will be tested   videos. Age 2 on date of class. Age 3 &   crafts, games and age-appropriate
          and placed in groups of similar ability   4, age on 9/1/24. Held at the Physical   videos. Age 2, age on date of class.
          levels on the first day of camp. Campers   Activity Center.            Age 3 & 4 age on 9/1/24. Held at the
          should bring a snack each day.                                         Physical Activity Center.
                                             PRESCHOOL GYMNASTICS
          GIRLS GYMNASTICS (46210)           3-DAY (46201)
          This camp is designed for all levels of   Activities include gymnastics,
          ability, and the girls will be grouped   trampoline, story time, crafts, snack
          by age and skill level on the first   time, games and age- appropriate
          day of camp. Activities will include   videos. Age 2 on date of class.  Age 3 &
          work on bars, beam, floor, vault, and   4, age on 9/1/24. Held at the Physical
          trampoline. Recreational games and a   Activity Center.
          craft will also be part of this fun week.
          Ages 5-12. Held at the Physical
          Activity Center.

          Performing Arts Camps                                                      DESCRIPTIONS

          ACTING CAMP (47211)                 KINDER DANCE & DRAMA               MUSICAL THEATRE CAMP (47221)
          A popular camp for actors and       CAMP (47202)                       Students will experience the world of
          actresses alike! We will play acting   Campers are immersed in acting,   musical theatre where they will build
          games, learn a script, build our own   dance, crafts and musical theatre   on the fundamental knowledge of
          props and create our own costumes.   daily. We pride ourselves on offering   acting, singing, and dancing. They will
          A performance will be held on the last   high-quality training to young minds   memorize scripts, learn song and dance
          day of camp. Bring a snack and drink   that enhance self-esteem, social skills,   routines and hold a performance at the
          each day.                           cultural knowledge, performance    end of the week. See individual camp
                                              art and exercise. Great for first-time   weeks for musical theme. Bring lunch
          DANCE BREAK!                        dancers or those who have taken    and drink each day. Age control date of
          LUNCH HOUR (47209)                  before! Please bring snack and drink   6/1/24.
          Lunch hour in between camps.        each day. Dress comfortably, go
          Participants are responsible for    barefoot. Dance clothes/shoes not   PUPPETRY CAMP (41501)
          bringing their own lunch and drinks   required. Age 3-5 on 3/1/24. Dancers   Each day campers learn about and
          each day. The Lunch Break will be   must be potty-trained before attending   create a new style of puppet. Using
          held in Studio 1 of the Physical Activity   camp. After snack time, there will be 10   various craft items and found objects,
          Center, Roswell Area Park.          minutes of theme movie to let      the choices are limitless! This camp
                                              food settle.                       teaches campers to construct
                                                                                 puppets and activates their
          DANCE CAMPS (47210)                 MINI MUSICAL THEATRE               imagination through the magic of
          Students will enjoy a fun themed                                       theatre and storytelling!
          week of jazz/pop-hop style dance    CAMP (47220)
          while working on skills, stretching,   Students will experience the world of
          conditioning and games to develop   musical theatre where they will build
          rhythm, flexibility, coordination and   on the fundamental knowledge of
          self-confidence. Bring a snack & drink   acting, singing, and dancing. They
          each day. There will be a short closing   will memorize scripts, learn song and
          showcase at the end of the camp.    dance routines, play acting games and
          See individual camp weeks for dance   hold a performance at the end of the
          theme. Camps are offered at both    week. Bring a snack and drink each day.
          Roswell Area Park and East Roswell   Must be age 6-8 as of 6/1/24 and able
          Park—please check location carefully.  to read. Locations and Musical themes
                                              are listed in weekly camp grid. Camps
                                              are offered at both Roswell Area Park
                                              and East Roswell Park—please check
                                              location carefully.

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