Page 29 - SummerBrochure
P. 29

Specialty Camps                                                              DESCRIPTIONS

          PUMP TRACKS CAMP (49220)           SUMMER STROKES (44050)              ULTIMATE FRISBEE 2-DAY
          Learn skills and techniques that will   Campers will participate in tennis,   CAMP (41016)
          have you riding our pump tracks in   art and swimming each day. The    Ultimate is a non-contact, action-
          style. Participants learn the importance   focus in the tennis section would be   packed sport played with a flying
          of bike safety and maintenance as well   development of ground STROKES, in   disc. The professional Frisbee team
          as how to navigate turns and jumps.   art, brush STROKES and in swimming,   Atlanta Hustle and the City of Roswell
          Campers must wear closed-toed shoes   swim STROKES. Campers should bring   have come together for this amazing
          and bring their bike and helmet    a bag lunch, bathing suit and towel   fast-paced camp. Certified instructors
          each day.                          EVERYDAY! Campers may bring their   will teach campers the sport through
                                             own tennis racquet if they have one but   games, scrimmages, and drills. Each
          PURPOSEFUL PLAY (49191)            one will be provided if they don’t have   camper will receive two (2) Atlanta
          This 3-day mini camp will connect us   one. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.   Hustle home game tickets as well as an
          to nature and encourage exploration,   Ages 5-8 on date of camp. The campers   official Ultimate Frisbee Disc. This camp
                                                                                 can be an add-on to Disc Golf Camp
          problem solving, teamwork, and     will have lunch at the Visual Arts Center   (43400) for a full 5-day experience.
          creativity with lessons inspired by the   each day between noon and 12:30 p.m.
          Tinkergarten curriculum. We will play &   Drop off is at 9:00 A.M. at the Visual Art   ULTIMATE FRISBEE 3-DAY
          learn outside together during each 60   Center in Roswell Area Park. Pick up is   CAMP (41017)
          minute nature-play class for children   at 2:00 p.m. at the Roswell Area Park   Ultimate is a non-contact, action-
          (ages 1.5-8) and their caregivers.  Pool Deck. We will send a detailed
                                             informational message the Thursday   packed sport played with a flying
                                             before the camp week begins!        disc. The professional Frisbee team
          STANDUP PADDLEBOARD &                                                  Atlanta Hustle and the City of Roswell
          BALANCE CAMP (49538)               SUPER KIDS: FUN/FITNESS/            have come together for this amazing
          Challenge your balance on both land                                    fast-paced camp. Certified instructors
          and water with this amazing camp for   FOOD (41205)                    will teach campers the sport through
          ages 11-15. Each day, teens will spend   This fun and exciting camp gives   games, scrimmages, and drills. Each
          time exploring the Chattahoochee   campers a variety of activities for an   camper will receive two (2) Atlanta
          River on paddle boards. The other part   active lifestyle. Campers will participate   Hustle home game tickets as well as an
          of the day will be spent learning basic   in arts & crafts, yoga, tree climbing,   official Ultimate Frisbee Disc.
          skills and tricks on slacklines and other   fitness fun classes, balance skills
          various balance equipment. Contact   using land equipment, paddle boards,   YOUTH CULINARY CAMPS (48821)
          instructor at   games and more. The campers will go   Join Chef Darwin in the kitchen where
          for questions about camp. Location:   to Art Center West for tree climbing and   you will learn basic kitchen safety
          Azalea Park.                       pottery. Lunch and snacks are provided   and make a variety of dishes that
                                             daily for campers.                  incorporate everyday ingredients that
                                                                                 you can use to create quick and easy
                                                                                 hassle-free meals in your own kitchen!
                                                                                 Each week will have a different theme
                                                                                 (see grid for options), and all recipes
                                                                                 created throughout the week will
                                                                                 be provided!

                                                                                  ROSWELL SUMMER PROGRAM GUIDE 2024  29
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