Page 25 - SummerBrochure
P. 25

Creative Arts Camps                                                          DESCRIPTIONS

          SEW IT ALL (48418)                  SEW SWEET (48419)                  YOUNG ARTIST STUDIO (48267)
          Sewing is a great skill to learn and   Campers will learn how to hand sew   Working from still life and imagination,
          utilize to make some of the coolest   while creating  Sweet Treat stuffies and   we will stress traditional drawing and
          things. Our camp will focus on      yummy shaped pillows. Learn how to   painting basics with acrylic, watercolor,
          learning the fundamentals of sewing   create a plush donut, ice cream and   pastel, colored pencils and more.
          by machine. Students will create    cupcake pillow, stuffed cake, animal
          4-6 guided sewing projects while    cookie and more.This camp introduces   YOUTH WHEEL AND CLAY
          learning how to sew projects that   students to basic sewing techniques   SCULPTURE (48600)
          include apparel, accessories and    such as the whip running stitch.   This course is designed for the aspiring
          play. Students can create plush toys,   Campers will receive a sweet snackable   young artist to learn the basics of
          scrunchies, headbands, tote bags,   donut, cupcake and ice cream treat   making wheel-thrown pottery. Your
          pillows and more. Some of the skills   after completing each sewing project.  child will learn a new design vocabulary
          learned are hemming, top stitching,   If there are any food allergies, please   while gaining hands-on knowledge
          encasing elastic, and mastering straight   advise the art center.      of the potter’s wheel and glazing
          seams. All supplies such as fabric and                                 techniques. Participants will spend a
          notions are included in your fee.   YOUNG ADULT ARTIST                 few days creating ceramic sculpture by
                                              STUDIO (48122)                     hand and exploring clay’s potential as a
                                              Young Adults aged 10-14 create     sculptural medium.
                                              2-dimensional art in a studio setting.
                                              Multiple drawing and painting
                                              techniques will be taught with an
                                              assortment of traditional mediums
                                              such as pencil, acrylic and pastel.

                  SUMMER                           Roswell Summer

                PUPPET                             Puppet Stage 2024

                   STAGE                           JUNE 11 – JULY 12

                                                   Tuesdays through Saturdays @ 10 A.M.
                                                   Additional 1:30 P.M. matinees on Wednesdays and Fridays

                                                         Cultural Arts Center • 950 Forrest Street

                                                                                  ROSWELL SUMMER PROGRAM GUIDE 2024  25
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