Page 24 - SummerBrochure
P. 24

Creative Arts Camps                                                            DESCRIPTIONS

                                             EXPLORATORY FASHION                 MS. LIBBY’S CLAY CAMP (48430)
                                             DESIGN ART (48435)                  • Clay and Nature 5/28-5/31
                                             Campers will make fashion art out   Create ceramic pieces using techniques
                                             of unconventional materials such as   incorporating natural elements. Pieces
                                             paper, tape, cups, balloons, fibers,   will be glazed and kiln fired! We will
                                             strings and more. Campers will explore   also create our own clay from soil to
                                             surface design with fabric dying,   create an air dry piece of art!
                                             painting, stamping and distressing.
                                             This camp will focus on creating fun   • Slab built Ceramics 5/28-5/31
                                             and funky designs that are outside of   Create functional ceramic pieces such
                                             the standard idea of fashion. Campers   as mugs, trays and more while learning
                                             will receive lessons on how to operate   slab building techniques.
                                             a sewing machine and will construct
                                             items with the machine, adhesives and   • Clay Portraits and Faces  6/24-28
                                             hand sewing. This is a great camp to   Create expressive sculptures and
                                             express creativity!                 portraits in clay. Pieces will be glazed
                                                                                 and kiln-fired.
                                             FASHION DESIGN                      • Create a Fairy Garden 7/29-8/2
                                             EXPERIENCE (48414)                  Sculpt a fairy house and other fairy
                                             Campers will start by selecting a design   garden accessories, then combine
                                             silhouette and fabric. We will show   sculptures and other natural elements
                                             students how to sketch out design   to create a fairy garden!
          ART CAMP (49224)                   ideas and discuss design details.
          Campers will get to create different   Campers will be shown how to operate
          works of art using clay, paint, paper   a sewing machine, encase elastic,   RESIN CREATIONS (48426)
          and more! Artists will learn all types   attach a waistband, straight stitching,   Experiment with dyes, glitter and
          of techniques over the week and will   hemming and more. A photograph of   add- ins to create resin keychains,
          get to take all artwork home. Ages 5-12   each child’s creation will be shared  coasters and wall art.
          depending on the week.             with parents.
                                                                                 SALON STYLIST (48436/48437)
          ARTSCOOL (48406)                   GLASS ART: FUSION AND               Campers will get an amazing
          Create and get messy this summer   MOSAICS (48428)                     opportunity to learn about hair care
          with ArtsCool Art. We study artists   Create works of art in glass while   and styling. We will use a portable
          and different techniques each day   learning glass fusing and          mannequin and wash bowl to
          with time for the children to create   mosaic techniques               practice washing and hair coloring
          their own original pieces. They will                                   with kid friendly dye. We will then
          use paints, watercolors, oil pastels,                                  practice blow drying on low heat with
          colored pencils, markers, chalk and   MAKER MANIA (48263)              heatless styling, braiding and curling
          more. A $20 materials fee is due to the   Experiment! Explore! Invent and create!   techniques. This camp also discuss
          instructor on the first day of class. Dress   Join us as we envelop ourselves in   topics on self esteem and confidence.
          for mess.                          a wacky and whimsical art world! A   As a bonus:  Each camper will have a
                                             mixed media class focusing on creation   blast making a costume wig. Campers
          COLLAGE CREW (48265)               and invention.                      also explore science by making lip
          Students create and collect images                                     balm and nail polish from scratch.
          and materials to create artwork that   MINI MASTERS (48264)
          is uniquely theirs. Cutting, pasting,   Explore a variety of supplies and   SEW FUN DOLLHOUSE (48420)
          drawing, and painting techniques will   techniques. Children will learn about   Even the smallest hands can learn how
          all be utilized in this camp.      artists, and preschool concepts will be   to sew in this fun dollhouse themed
                                             introduced with stories that enhance   week. Campers will create a stackable
          CREATIVE CRAFTING                  their creative learning experience. A   doll house while making pillows, rugs,
          CORNER (48410)                     variety of materials and techniques   carpet, clothing items and furniture.
          This 5-day camp will incorporate a   are used in this fun mixed media class!   Campers will spend part of their time
          variety of crafts: rock painting, working   Lessons will be adapted for each age   learning hand sewing, painting and
          with fused beads and a scrapbook   level/ability.                      building. This is a fun camp to increase
          collage page. (Be sure to bring in a few                               creativity and imagination. We will also
          printed or copied photos to use!) The   MIXED MEDIA                    do a drawing and writing session and
          Creative Crafting Corner is a fun way to   MASTERPIECES (48429)        campers will create their very own
          rediscover some of the unique crafts   Use paint, paper, clay and more to   dollhouse story.
          from yesteryear and have fun crafting in   create multimedia works of art.
          a variety of creative ways!

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