Page 28 - SummerBrochure
P. 28

Specialty Camps                                                                DESCRIPTIONS

          ADVENTURE CAMP (41204)             PLAY-WELL STEM CAMP (48409)         COURT CAMP - MOCK TRIAL
          This camp is designed for rising 6th-  At Play-Well TEKnologies, we know   (49230) Mock trial camp is for rising 5th-
          8th graders. Camp drop off is anytime   that kids are already naturally gifted   9th graders. This camp provides a fun,
          between 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. unless   creators. What we strive to provide   yet challenging environment. Campers
          otherwise notated. Camp pick up is   is an environment where students   examine basic legal concepts,
          between 4:00 p.m.and 6:00 p.m. Late   can create without fear of mistakes,   terminology, and the American court
          fees will apply to those picked up after   explore fundamental STEM concepts   system all while focusing on a fictional
          6:00 p.m. Please refer to the published   through play, and express their   case. They will become attorneys,
          calendar for field trips and more   creativity in ways they never thought   witnesses, jury members and more!
          information regarding daily trips. Some   possible. With tens of thousands of   Campers will prepare for a mock trial
          weeks may have limited capacity    LEGO® pieces and the guidance of our   to be presented to family and friends
          due to venue restrictions. If you are   passionate instructors, the possibilities   on the last day. Camp is held at the
          added to the waitlist, please DO NOT   are truly endless!              Hembree Park Recreation Center.
          show up to camp, we will be unable to
          accommodate your camper. Should    CHALLENGE ISLAND (49306)            FORT BUILDING CAMP (49211)
          space become available, you will   Challenge Island®, the World’s #1
          receive a phone call and/or email and   STEM/STEAM program, is a high-  Spend a week building the fort of your
          be placed into the program for prompt   energy, hands-on fusion of STEAM,   dreams! Campers will learn skills to
          payment. DO NOT simply drop off your   21 Century Skills, Problem-Solving   spend a night outdoors and participate
          camper, please wait for a counselor to   Adventure, Project-Based Learning   in team building activities! On the last
          check them in. If your camper has not   and our trademark STEAMbuilding®   night, we’ll have a cookout and evening
          paid, they will not be able to attend   experience. Campers embark on   celebration. Individual supervision will
          camp. All waivers MUST be completed   fantastical themed STEAM journeys   be given to every group to ensure the
          PRIOR to each trip that requires an   where they work in collaborative tribes   safety of each structure. In the event of
          additional waiver. Trip waivers will be   to tackle various exciting challenges   rain, games and activities will be held
          emailed to you prior to the week of the   using only the materials in their treasure   inside the gymnasium. Campers must
          camp they are scheduled to attend.    chest and their boundless imaginations.  bring their own hammer. Camp hours
                                                                                 are Monday through Thursday 9:00
                                                                        12:00 P.M. AND Friday night 5:00
          BALANCE CAMP (45046)               CHEERLEADING CAMP (49214)           P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Ages 8 - 12. Camp
          Campers will have a blast while    Learn cheers, chants, and dances from   is held at the East Roswell
          challenging their balance with activities   Varsity Cheerleaders! We will teach   Recreation Center.
          such as slack lining, skateboarding,   spirit, motions and jumps with a short
          and standup paddle boarding in     performance for family and friends on
          our pool. Stilts, pogo sticks, balance   the last day of camp. Ages 5-12. Camp is   OUTDOOR ACADEMY (49561)
          boards, and so much more!          held at the East Roswell            This camp introduces kids to fishing
          All equipment will be provided.    Recreation Center.                  and hunting and provides hands-on,
          Contact instructor at                                                  skill based training to get them ready
 for        CLAY AND CLIMB (41191)              to enjoy the great outdoors! Daily
          information or questions about camp.   This one-week camp is designed for   events include a focus on at least two
          Location: Roswell Area Park                                            outdoor activities, including archery,
                                             active young adults to learn the basics   fly fishing, deer hunting, air rifle, game
                                             of making wheel-thrown pottery as   and fish biology, and more. Campers
          BOARDS AND PADDLES ON              well as to be introduced to the up-
          THE WATER (41209)                  and-coming sport of recreational tree   will learn from outdoor experts and
                                                                                 pros, including competition bass
          It’s time to have an adventure and   climbing! For the first three days your   fishermen, professional guides, game
          traverse the Chattahoochee River   child will learn to form lumps of clay   wardens, and others. The week ends
          with boards and paddles! Nantahala   into both sculptural and functional   with a skills competition for awesome
          Outdoor Center Guides will teach the   objects using the potter’s wheel.  While   prizes and a lot of fun. Age on date of
          fundamentals of the exciting craft   pottery is in the kiln, participants will be   class. Attendees of this camp qualify
          of paddle boarding, kayaking, and   introduced to recreational tree climbing   to be invited to additional events
          canoeing. Ideal for beginners and   by professionally trained instructors.    hosted by the Foundation for Outdoor
          young adventure enthusiasts.       Tree for All, LLC will offer an adventure   Kids including fishing trips, archery
                                             participants won’t soon forget.  The final   competitions and parent/child hunting
                                             day of camp will be back inside to finish   events. See for
                                             fired works emerging from the kiln.   more details.
                                             (Climbs are scheduled for Thursday,
                                             6/13 and 7/25; professional climbing
                                             equipment will be provided).

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