Page 31 - SummerBrochure
P. 31

Aquatics                                                      DIVE INTO SUMMER FUN!

          MARLIN (45020)                          PROGRAM   DATES         DAYS     TIME          AGE     AGE BYVAC
          Swimmers refine their stroke and
          breathing techniques and increase       45020-02  5/28-6/5      M-W, F   6:45-7:30 P.M.  6-12  05/30
          their stamina in all four strokes. As they   45020-03  6/10-6/18  M-W, F  9-9:45 A.M.  6-12    06/12
          progress, students work on drills, starts
          and turns. Prerequisite: Proficient in   45020-04  6/10-6/18    M-W, F   5-5:45 P.M.   6-12    06/12
          freestyle, backstroke, and able to swim
          20 yards in each stroke.                45020-05  6/24-7/2      M-W, F   10-10:45 A.M.  6-12   06/26
                                                  45020-06  7/8-7/16      M-W, F   6:45-7:30 P.M.  6-12  07/10

          SPRINGBOARD DIVING (45038)          separate registration fee to the Adult   ROSWELL RAPIDS DIVE TEAM
          This evening program is designed for   Swim League (ASL).              (45029-01) No competition dive
          participants to experience the dynamics   For more information, visit  experience is necessary. Practices
          of diving. Participants will learn form, or email  and meets are scheduled May-June,
          proper diving approach, and a variety   so divers can also participate on the
          of dives off the springboard. No dive   Ages 19+.                      Roswell Rapids Swim Team. Please visit
          experience needed but must be                                 for
          comfortable diving off the side of  ROSWELL RAPIDS SWIM TEAM           more information. Prerequisite: Must be
          the pool.                           (45030-01) This award-winning team   able to do a standing front dive from
                                              offers a comprehensive program of   the side of the pool. Ages 5-18.
          ADULT SWIM TEAM & FITNESS           instruction and training for competitive
          SWIMMING (45026-1)                  swimmers. Swimmers will be grouped
          Coaches will group swimmers by level   by age and trained according to their
          of ability. Current or former competitive   abilities. An additional swim league fee
          swimming experience is not required.   is required. Visit www.roswellrapids.
          Swimmers are required to pay a Ages 5-18.

        Lifeguard Review Course                                                            Lifeguard Certification

                AGES 15+                              Red Cross                                   AGES 15+

      This course is designed to review the                  Earn the American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification
      lifeguarding skills and core knowledge                 upon completion of this blended class offering both
      required to re-certify in lifeguarding.                online and with instructor-led skill sessions.
      Prerequisite:                                          Prerequisite:
      • Current Red Cross Lifeguarding/First Aid/ CPR/AED    Candidates MUST be able to:
      • Shallow water Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED         • Swim 300 yards continuously using front crawl and breaststroke.
      Certificate                                            • Swim 20 yards, surface dive to a depth of 7-10 feet, retrieve a 10
                                                             pound brick from the bottom of the pool, and then swim 20 yards
      Note: If certificate is expired, participants must take the full   carrying the brick.
      Lifeguarding or Shallow water Lifeguarding course.
                                                             Note: All candidates are required to complete 7 hours of online video training
                                                             prior to the start of class. Candidates will be tested on online training the first
            Roswell Area Park Pool • 10495 Woodstock Road    day of class.
                                                             Certification Requirements:
                                                             • Attend all class sessions, successfully perform all required skills,
                                                             successfully complete three final skill scenarios, pass the written
                                                             exam with a grade of 80% or better on each section.
                                                             • Lifeguard Training/First Aid/CPR/AED is valid for two years.

                                                                  Roswell Area Park Pool • 10495 Woodstock Road

                                                                                  ROSWELL SUMMER PROGRAM GUIDE 2024  31
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