Page 36 - SummerBrochure
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Health & Wellness                                   REVITALIZE WITH FIT & FITNESS

          MAT PILATES                         with stress. Class will increase your   AM EXPRESS
          AGES 16+                            awareness of the things we all do, such   AGES 18+
          Meets at BJCAB and ARC (50+).       as poor posture habits, which contribute   Meets at BJCAB. A self-directed
          Mat-Based Pilates is the ultimate   to our aches and pains. These coed   program that includes cardio exercise,
          mind and body workout with exercises   classes are for beginner through   free-play basketball, racquetball, fitness
          all done on the mat. Pilates works   advanced students.                 room and weight lifting. All of these
          the core muscles and incorporates                                       activities can give you an early-morning,
          isometric exercise with flexibility,   ZUMBA                            well-rounded workout.
          and strengthening. Body sculpting   AGES 15+
          exercises outside of the art of Pilates is   Meets at ERP. A fun way to get a great   BOOTCAMP
          incorporated into Pilates & Sculpt.   cardio workout and learn some hot new   AGES 16+
                                              moves you can use on the dance floor!   Meets at BJCAB. Push yourself with
          YOGA                                Moves are derived from Latin dance and   circuit training, core work, and cardio
          AGES 15+                            mind/body exercises. Come experience   to improve your muscular strength,
          Meets at BJCAB, ERP, and ARC (50+).   high energy, hot moves, lots of sweat   endurance, and cardiovascular capacity.
          Stretch and tone with Yoga! These   and fun!                            Great workout for beginners through
          coed classes are for participants of all                                advanced athletes.
          levels. Stretches, poses, and relaxation   YEARLY, QUARTERLY &
          techniques are used to improve      MONTHLY FITNESS                     WORLD YOSHUKAI KARATE
          flexibility, muscle tone, strength, and   AGES 15+                      AGES 7+
          help in stress management.          Meets at BJCAB. Bill Johnson        Meets at BJCAB. Increase your
                                              Community Activity Building (BJCAB)   physical strength, flexibility, and mental
          GENTLE YOGA                         fitness center includes combination   discipline with your family or individually
          AGES 15+                            weight equipment, hand weights and   as part of the World Yoshukai Karate
          Meets at BJCAB, ERP,  and ARC (50+).   a variety of cardiovascular equipment,   Kobudo Organization. Traditional
          Includes positional yoga postures to   allowing for a complete workout.  Japanese karate self-defense, board
          correct postural imbalances and help                                    breaking, developing self-discipline,
          deal with back and neck pain associated                                 and sparring. Opportunities to compete
          with injuries. Also, includes some                                      in tournaments and belt checks when
          extended relaxation periods consisting                                  skill level is ready.
          of iRest Yoga Nidra that can help deal


                                                            Tree Climbing

                                              Treetops offer an awesome experience as you ascend into the canopy.
                                                Tree For All, Inc.’s professionally trained instructors will guide you
                                               on an adventure you will not soon forget. No experience is necessary.
                                                             Professional climbing equipment provided.

                                       ASK ABOUT
                                       OUR PRIVATE                      Art Center West • 1355 Woodstock Road

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