Page 22 - SummerBrochure
P. 22

Athletics Camps                                                                DESCRIPTIONS

          Highly-trained coaches and instructors   CAMP (43104)                   CONDITIONING CAMP (43027)
          will provide the very basics of baseball   Former college and high school players   This camp is designed to introduce
          to this younger group of players. The   from Takeoff Performance will deliver a   Performance Training specifically
          purpose of this camp is for players to   fun-filled, interactive football camp that   geared for athletes who want to
          have fun and learn within a baseball   focuses on developing the athlete’s   develop and fulfill their athletic
          atmosphere.                         skills while teaching life lessons around   potential and increase their personal
                                              character, integrity and teamwork.   performance, no matter what the sport.
          ADVANCED BASEBALL                   Whether your child is involved in flag   Campers will receive a combination
          CAMP (43006)                        football or contact football, this camp   of Speed, Agility, Strength, Power,
          This camp is recommended for players   will focus on taking a child’s skills to   Flexibility, Balance, and Core Strength
          with at least 2-3 years of baseball   the next level regardless of age or   training. The camp will run from 9:00
          experience. Local professional      experience. Athletes will learn about all   a.m. through 1:00 p.m. at Roswell Area
          instructors with professional experience   positions in the game of football and   Park for ages 8-12 as of 9/1/22.
          will provide instruction to develop the   experience how to train for that position,
          more advanced baseball techniques   as well as get to play that position.  MULTI-SPORT CAMP (43028)
          and skills.                                                             This camp will teach the basic
                                              SUMMER LACROSSE CAMP (43016)        fundamentals, and game play, of
          RECREATIONAL BASEBALL               This Lacrosse Camp is designed for   multiple sports. Daily breakdown of
          CAMP (43007)                        the Beginner to Intermediate Lacrosse   each sport will include games and other
                                                                                  development skills that will include
                                              Player. Throwing, catching and
          Highly-trained coaches will emphasize   footwork are a major focus but we   elements of each sport.
          fundamental fielding skills and proper   didn’t leave out the FUN! At the end
          hitting techniques through drills and   of the week the campers should have
          contests during this weeklong camp.   learned or developed a few Lacrosse   F.A.S.T. CAMP (43030)
          Daily scrimmage games will provide   skills, met a few new friends and had   Flexibility, Agility and Strength Training
          participants the opportunity to learn the   some fun along the way. All participants   Camp. Reach your athletic potential. All
          correct plays in game situations.                                       year athletes spend their time playing
                                              are required to provide their own   their sport and trying to be the best at
                                              equipment for the camp. Boys: helmet,   it. Trying to hone their skills to master
          PITCHER/CATCHER BASEBALL            gloves, stick, shoulder pads, elbow   the Craft. It is time to focus on the
          CAMP (43009)                        pads, and mouth guard. Girls: stick,   machine that really allows them to play
          Professional instructors will be teaching   goggles, and mouth guard. Participants   the sport they love, their BODY. The
          this Pitcher/Catcher Camp which is   should bring plenty of water and are   FAST Camp will focus on the athlete’s
          designed for players entering the 9-10   encouraged to apply sunscreen.  flexibility, agility and strength. While at
          Year Old League and want to learn                                       FAST Camp, athletes will be introduced
          pitching and catching fundamentals   MINI BASKETBALL CAMP (43024)       to the sport of Gymnastics for the
          and develop proper technique. The   This curriculum is tailored to the   last hour of each day. Our Gymnastics
          instruction will also help develop   learning of our youngest players in   Instructors will work with our athletes
          players who are already in the 9-10   an environment which is conducive   to further their athletic abilities. Our
          or 11-12 year-old league that want   specifically for them without the older   athletes will get the chance to train
          to continue to develop proper skills   children. Daily breakdown games,   on the uneven bars, balance beam,
          as they get ready for the Fall Season.   relays and other child development   pommel horse, vault, parallel bars and
          Several drills, stations, and games will   games which these kids play are   high bar.
          be used to teach the players during this   executed while using a basketball.
          weeklong camp.                      Each participant will receive quality
                                              coaching, a fun experience, and a camp   HALF-DAY MULTI-SPORT CAMP
          SUMMER RECREATION                   T-shirt. Camp will be held at Hembree   (43031) This camp will teach the basics
          FOOTBALL CAMP (43012)               Park Recreation Center.             of multiple sports throughout the week.
          Former professional and college                                         Daily breakdown of each sport will
          instructors will lend their knowledge   BASKETBALL CAMP (43025)         include games and other development
          on the fundamental skills of football   This gender-specific camp allows   skills that will include elements of each
          throughout this weeklong camp. This   boys to learn with school friends   sport. Participants will engage in various
          camp will teach the basic fundamentals   and utilize team-building exercises   games and sports throughout the week.
          of offensive and defensive position play,   associated with basketball. 5 on 5   It will be a fun atmosphere to participate
          special teams, team building skills and   games and league play dominate with   in different activities every day. Age 5-12
          sportsmanship. This is a non-contact   3 on 3 breakdowns reinforcing good   on the first day of camp.
          camp—campers will NOT be required   fundamentals and skill development.
          to wear any padding for this camp, only   Each participant will receive quality
          athletic apparel. The camp will run from   coaching and a fun experience.
          9:00am-1:00pm.                      Hembree Park Recreation Center will be
                                              the location for this camp.

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