Page 4 - SummerBrochure
P. 4
Mayor’s Letter
Acres of Park Space
31 As summer approaches, I hope this
Miles of Walking Trails letter finds you in the best of health
and high spirits as we eagerly
anticipate the arrival of another
vibrant summer in our beautiful
25+ city. It is with immense pleasure and a
Parks sense of community pride that I share
some exciting updates to projects
that will enhance our already amazing
park system. In November 2022, voters
13 overwhelmingly approved $107.6 million
for recreation and parks, bike and pedestrian paths, and sidewalks.
This past year we began making those promised projects a reality.
We have already cut the ribbon on new turf fields at East Roswell
Park, Roswell Area Park as well as Groveway Community Park’s
3 upper and lower fields. These upgrades to durable and safety-
Dog Parks focused turf aim to improve the overall field system, ensuring a
lasting positive impact and safeguarding our athletes. Additionally,
the lower field at Groveway Community Park has undergone ADA
accessibility enhancements, facilitating easier movement between
4 the field and the parking lot. The interior of the Dobbs building has
Free Libraries been revitalized, featuring new restrooms to create a brighter and
more efficient space for the entire community to enjoy.
Back in 2015, the City created the River Parks Master Plan. The plan
4 sat on a shelf until this Mayor and Council took office. Your Mayor
and Council have budgeted $6 million to date and an additional
Recreation Centers $25 million was approved in the bond to make this plan a reality.
We have already begun work on Don White Park and the Ace
Sand property. This plan will transform our River Parks in the
coming years.
Community Gardens With each improvement, we continue to cultivate a city where
families flourish, and our parks stand as a testament to the
strength and unity of our community. Thank you for your continued
support, and I look forward to a summer filled with shared joy and
2 vibrant community experiences.
1 Mayor Kurt Wilson
City of Roswell
Olympic-Size Outdoor Pool
“As we embark on a journey of transformation,
our parks, the heart of our city, are where shared
1 experiences flourish. It is our shared responsibility
Indoor Heated Pool to ensure the City of Roswell remains vibrant,
inviting, and reflective of our collective aspiration
to become the #1 Family Community in America.”